Omar Hasssanin, enrolled in September 2019, Master Degree, Egyptian.
留学生Omar Hassanin,于2019年9月入学同济大学,就读交通运输工程专业,硕士学位,国籍为埃及。
Campus Experience/校园生活:
I was living in Jiading campus, and I liked it so much. The natural sceneries in Jiading campus is so beautiful. One of my hopes was to go for a walk in the campus for an hour or more. I also joined some festivals with Chinese students, and I was playing piano with them. I enjoyed going to the lab 409 and meet my teammates. The food in the Halal canteen was so delicious because they offer vast of different vegetable dishes, noodles, and meat. They clean the tables and chairs regularly.

September 2019 with advisor Prof. Xuesong Wang

August 2020 with the research group

October 2021 with friends
[1]Evaluation of Roadway Infrastructures Readiness for Autonomous Vehicles, funded by Intel, from 2018 to 2022. Most of my thesis work was related to “Evaluation of Roadway Infrastructures Readiness for Autonomous Vehicles” project. I was responsible for designing and testing several algorithms of the automated vehicle, especially longitudinal controls.
[2]Societal Level Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles, funded by EU Horizon 2020, from 2019 to Present. I was gathering some materials related to the automated vehicle in “LEVITATE” project.
Societal Level Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles,资助方为EU Horizon 2020,2019年-至今。在该项目中主要负责收集与自动驾驶汽车有关的一些材料。
Thesis Defense/毕业论文答辩:
Road crashes kill more than 1.25 million people worldwide each year, and rear-end collisions are responsible for about 32.5 percent of all car accidents in 2019 in the United States. Fortunately, automated vehicles (AVs) have their potential to enhance transportation safety and save people lives, by preventing human driver errors. Therefore, the main objective of the thesis is to design several longitudinal controls to allow AVs to drive safely during car following to prevent rear-end collisions. AVs Longitudinal controls need to have collision-avoidance strategies to generate acceleration/deceleration according to the safety rules. Many collision-avoidance systems and strategies have been developed recently; however, most of these systems and strategies cannot yet assure collision-free driving, but the Responsibility-Sensitive Safety (RSS) model, developed by Intel Mobileye, shows potential to enhance AV safety.
Therefore, the thesis mainly uses the RSS longitudinal safe distance model and embeds it into several longitudinal controls, such as Intelligent Driver Model (mathematical model), Model Predictive Control (controller), and Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Model (deep reinforcement learning model). Moreover, the RSS model and the other mentioned longitudinal controls are further modified to improve their performance and safety. In order to test the designated longitudinal controls, simulations were conducted using car-following scenarios extracted from Shanghai Naturalistic Driving Study dataset. The results evaluation process is divided into performance and safety, using AV performance and Surrogate Safety Measurements (TTC, TIT, and TET). It is found that the RSS model and the designated longitudinal controls can enhance the automated driving significantly.
Omar Hassanin, Master student in the class of 2019, defended his Master's thesis and successfully passed it on 21 January 2022.
2019级硕士研究生Omar Hassanin于2022年1月21日进行了硕士毕业论文答辩,并顺利通过。

Omar Hassanin introduced master's thesis《Calibrating, Developing and Evaluating Responsibility-Sensitive Safety Using Shanghai Naturalistic Driving Study》
Omar Hassanin介绍硕士论文《基于上海自然驾驶数据标定、构建和评估责任敏感安全模型》
Journal Papers/期刊论文:
[1]Xu X, Wang X, Wu X, Hasssanin O, et al. Calibration and Evaluation of the Responsibility-Sensitive Safety Model of Autonomous Car-Following Maneuvers Using Naturalistic Driving Study Data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, vol. 123, pp. 1-17, Jan. 2021.
[2]Liu S, Wang X, Hassanin O, et al. Calibration and Evaluation of Responsibility-Sensitive Safety (RSS) in Automated Vehicle Performance During Cut-In Scenarios. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, vol. 125, pp. 1-15, Mar. 2021.
[3]Qin D, Wang X, Hassanin O, et al. Operational Design Domain of Automated Vehicles for Crossing Maneuvers at Two-Way Stop-Controlled Intersections. Accident Analysis & Prevention, vol. 167, March. 2022.
Conference Papers/学生会议论文:
[1]Sun P, Wang X, Hassanin O, Zhu M. Modeling Car-following Behavior on Freeways Considering Driving Style. Transportation Research Board 100th, Oct. 2020.
[2]Hassanin O, Wang X, Wu X, Xu X. Performance and Safety Evaluation of Responsibility-Sensitive Safety in Freeway Car-Following Scenarios Using the Intelligent Driver Model and Model Predictive Control. Transportation Research Board 100th, Oct. 2020.
[3]Qin D, Wang X, Hassanin O, et al. Operational Design Domain of Automated Vehicles for Crossing Maneuvers at Two-Way Stop-Controlled Intersections. Transportation Research Board 101th, Oct. 2021.